Monday, February 2, 2009

True Miracles

Believe it or not, miracles happen! Several miracles have taken place since the world began. The works of Creation is one. Nobody could have crossed the sea by walking on it. You wouldn’t be able to reach the other shore unless you cross a bridge, ride a boat or a plane, swim or drift away with the current, waves or wind. But during the time of a man called Moses, people crossed the Red Sea on foot. They walked on dry path between two great separating walls of water. The fire that wrote the Ten Commandments of God in two tables of stone in Mount Sinai, and the burning bush that never consumed were just among those other wonders.

Nowadays, we see superman in the movie, a fictitious hero who could fly and soar above the clouds. You have heard of a dead man coming back to life from his grave? It sound incredible but that’s just one of the true miracles that Jesus performed in His time.

If you are sick and suffering, Jesus can do something for you…trust and believe He can heal you and you would. Jesus himself is a miracle. The story of His birth, His life and His death tells us that He was not an ordinary man. His resurrection and promise that He will come again reveal even more of his wonder. He is the Greatest Miracle of all! A true miracle is a supernatural work of God. It neither deceives nor disguise evil with good. It comes about anytime in every answered prayer!