Saturday, October 11, 2008


It’s Saturday, October 11, 2008. Left the house early for my daughters second day examination. Again spent my time at my sister-in-laws parlor while waiting for the dismissal of my daughter. We had lunch with a friend and kids at Porta Vaga fastfood. Then my daughter and I proceeded to a wifi zone to familiarize commands and usage of a computer. My son went to Manila early in the morning with some of his friends.

Woke up early to wash our garments for the week. Sunday is the only time for cleaning and fixing things in the house. It took time to finish my household chores. Went out in the afternoon to buy pack lunch for the kids for the following day and to accompany my sister to buy things for her civil wedding on October 15. My son went to my friend Zeny’s house to get her presents from her travel to Canada.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello World!!!!

Hi, I am a mother two children, a plain housewife and just a neophyte in this blogging world. A newly found friend by the name of Helen whom I met just recently encourages me to do this online diary.

I was then in a dilemma when this opportunity came. My husband was affected by the US crisis which results to our financial problem. I want to reciprocate the chance given my newly found friend by giving my best effort to succeed in this endeavor.

While waiting for dismissal, I spent my time at my sister-in-laws parlor. We had lunch at Jacks restaurant together with a friend and kids. And then went home for awhile. Back to town to meet Helen to continue tutorials about blogging. As usual upon reaching the house, household chores are waiting. Cook food and after dinner back to writing articles and daily activities.